Easter Day Scripture: Luke: 24: 1-12 An empty tomb. Dr. Binu Peniel
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Sermon on the Plain Luke 6: 17-26 Dr. Binu Peniel
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John: 20: 19-31 Sermon: “Meet the risen Christ to rewrite your story” Dr. Binu Peniel
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Sermon John 17 High Priestly Prayer (Dr. Binu Peniel)
Sermon John 17 High Priestly Prayer (Dr. Binu Peniel) May 23, 2021 High Priestly Prayer (John: 17: 6-19) Seventh Sunday of Easter Jesus Prays for His Disciples 6 “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your […]
Day of Pentecost: Remembering the Heroes of Faith (Memorial Sunday) Acts: 2: 14-21 Dr. Binu Peniel
Day of Pentecost: Remembering the Heroes of Faith (Memorial Sunday) Acts: 2: 14-21 Dr. Binu Peniel Acts 2: 14-21 Acts:2: 1-21 (May 31st Memorial Day) The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in […]
Peace Be Still: Calms the Storm (Sermon) Dr. Binu Peniel Mark 4: 35-41
Peace Be Still: Calms the Storm (Sermon) Dr. Binu Peniel Mark 4: 35-41
Sermon Dr. Binu Peniel Titled Honor: Do not fear rejection Mark 6: 1-13
Sermon Dr. Binu Peniel Titled Honor: Do not fear rejection Mark 6: 1-13
Illustration: Philosopher and fisherman dialogue
Poem: The Footprints in the Sand
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Sermon: The Fear of Home. Second Sunday of Advent. Malachi 3:1-4 & Luke 3:1-6
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