For Guests
What to Expect at RiversEdge
We are so happy you’re here! You might be surprised to know that we believe God guided you here to connect in a deeper way with God and others so we might meet your physical and spiritual needs through witness, welcome and nurture. This is a special place for you to serve and grow in Christ’s name.
What to Wear
We want you to be comfortable and wear whatever you choose. At RiversEdge you will find suits to shorts, dress shoes to flip-flops – however casual is the norm.
Infants & Children
The youngest of the family members are always welcome in worship. One of our major strength is our children’s ministry. We provide quality nursery care for infants through 4 years old. We also offer a children’s spiritual growths opportunity at 9:10 to 10:10 AM and we have children’s church (Light House Leaners) from 10.30 to 11.30 AM for 4-year olds through 6th grade.
Fellowship Time
The RiversEdge family gathers for fellowship with one another throughout Sunday morning and between our Sunday Services. We provide donuts, coffee, hot tea, water and juice. This is a great time to become connected with the RiversEdge family.
We have plenty of parking available on the west side of our building and a few special needs parking spaces available at the front of the church. All parts of our building are also handicap accessible for those who are using wheelchair.
Our Location