Christian Growth


Youth Worship Opportunities

REUMC Learners

REUMC Learners is a place for our youth to get excited about Jesus! Through our Bible lessons, our mission is to teach our young ones biblical truths, showing them the love of Jesus and helping them to show His love to others.

Vacation Bible School (V.B.S.)

For All Children

Every July, RiversEdge United Methodist Church offers Vacation Bible School.  This is a week for kids to either get acquainted with Jesus, or to get to know Him better.  It is not limited to just the children of the church.  In fact, we want to welcome as many children as possible to come, so that they might know the Savior of the world.

Christmas Program

Celebrating the Birth of Our Savior

Our congregation enjoys having our children celebrate the birth of the Savior.  The RiversEdge United Methodist Christmas Program allows children to learn how to play roles and to sing songs celebrating the coming of Jesus.